love — The Professional Wingman® – Dating & Lifestyle Strategy Blog — The Professional Wingman®


Love Can Happen Anywhere

Special thanks to Eric Andersen for sending me this article from the NY Times. The story is mostly about how Foursquare has taken over people's lives but at the end, you find out two people met each other through Foursquare and are now getting married!

Yes, it's possible to meet someone using these applications and I can show you how you can do it - with the help of eFlirt Expert founder, Laurie Davis.

Vote to have us speak on this topic LIVE in Austin, TX in March 2011 for SXSW Interactive. Comments are also welcome. Click the "Vote Now" button below!

Tough Love #10: Is He "It?"

This continues my posts of Tough Love, a series of posts, giving direct advice to women based on the weekly VH1 show, Tough Love. If you have missed out on other posts, feel free to check out the other ones.



Week 1: Creating a First Impression

Week 2: Communication

Week 3: Being Sexy

Week 4: Daddy & Dating

Week 5: The Wow Factor

Week 6: Date Crimes

Week 7: What's Your Price?

Week 8: Reconciling the Past With the Present

Week 9: Love Will Find You. But When?

Week 10: Is He "It?"

The honeymoon phase is over. Now, things are real. How do you know if he is legit? In all honesty, no one can really tell you that. Not even me.

It’s all in your gut.

There may be only a couple of times in your life where you’ll have the feeling he is the person you’d want to spend the rest of your life with. Sometimes we’re wrong. Other times, we’re right.

Either way, the least you can do is ask yourself - and maybe him - a few questions to feel more certain.

How much are you willing to give him? What are you willing to do for him? If it’s short of everything, chances are, you’re not there yet.

Have both of you fully put yourself out there? Is all of the dirty laundry out? Have both your pasts been reconciled? The last thing you want is to think everything has been said and then you find out something MAJOR has been omitted. Put it all out there. Make sure you get the same.

Do you know what he is willing to do for you? Once again, if it’s short of everything, is it satisfactory?

Speaking of which, do you still love him despite him not meeting your every need?Bending is very different from breaking and many times, you’ll have to bend for true love. A simple example could be having a long-distance relationship. A more complicated example is being with a man who has a child (or children).

We all get nervous about someone being “it.” In a world that’s filled with doubt, negativity and infidelity, how can anyone blame you?

But in the end, all you have is your intuition and if you can get some of the questions answered above, you’ll be more at ease moving on with someone and happier, bringing your dating life to a close, and your love life to a new beginning.

Tough Love #9: Love Will Find You. But When?

This continues my posts of Tough Love, a series of posts, giving direct advice to women based on the weekly VH1 show, Tough Love. If you have missed out on other posts, feel free to check out the other ones.

Week 1: Creating a First Impression
Week 2: Communication
Week 3: Being Sexy
Week 4: Daddy & Dating
Week 5: The Wow Factor
Week 6: Date Crimes
Week 7: What's Your Price?
Week 8: Reconciling the Past With the Present
Week 9: Love Will Find You. But When?

It’s no secret that some of us waited a long for love - and some are still waiting. If a major fear of yours is dying alone or being single at an older age, then I’m sure you’ve thought about the implications to that actually happening.

The constant sabotage and the various things that are preventing you from a long-term relationship WILL affect your future, whether you like it or not. And NOW is the time to take care of those things.

Things like being a party girl in your twenties - and your thirties - trying to get married before you’re ready or have experienced all there is out there and being involved with someone who is married are all elements of a person looking in the wrong places for a healthy, long-lasting relationship.

I’m sure you’d like to have children with the one you love, right? And I’m sure you’d like those children to have children too. As you get older, I regret to inform you but your stock decreases more and more. Your physical looks hold ZERO value at a certain point in your life. 

But it doesn’t mean that you need to rush and get into something that you don’t want or aren’t ready for. Maintain your priorities, work on YOU and don’t settle. 

Rather, make sure you’re satisfied.

True love is VERY hard to find and it takes time.

Know who you are, what you want and never be afraid to express that to someone who might be serious potential. At a certain point when dating a man, you need to get ALL of the important questions answered to REALLY decide if he’s “it.” 

This will be a good segue into the next post - later today.

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