SXSW — The Professional Wingman® – Dating & Lifestyle Strategy Blog — The Professional Wingman®


Love Can Happen Anywhere

Special thanks to Eric Andersen for sending me this article from the NY Times. The story is mostly about how Foursquare has taken over people's lives but at the end, you find out two people met each other through Foursquare and are now getting married!

Yes, it's possible to meet someone using these applications and I can show you how you can do it - with the help of eFlirt Expert founder, Laurie Davis.

Vote to have us speak on this topic LIVE in Austin, TX in March 2011 for SXSW Interactive. Comments are also welcome. Click the "Vote Now" button below!

Vote For My Panel at #SXSW!

When I originally heard about SXSW, I was watching Diggnation and Kevin Rose and Alex Albrecht were talking about it and I had NO idea what it was. The next time I heard about it was from Gary Vaynerchuk. I had a better idea of what it was but NO clue how it could be beneficial for me being a dating coach. Then, I had lunch with Gary’s brother, AJ and he spent some time telling me how it could be beneficial for me. If at best, there would be quality networking, some collaboration and maybe a few clients. As strapped for cash as I was, AJ insisted that if I can go without filing for bankruptcy then I should do it. It was a spontaneous decision, but I did it anyway.

I was able to get a pass from Amy Greenlaw who was SO nice for hooking it up. I was able to get a round-trip plane ticket (one-stop) for under $300 about two weeks before the event. I also got an amazing hookup by being able to hang and crash with AJ and Gary – I didn’t know that until literally, the day of my flight down to Austin. The whole experience was incredible.

Going to SXSW changed the way I do almost everything when it comes to my business, how I network, how I engage and interact with new people and most importantly, how I can be most effective in creating a solid product. I can talk about all the other things that made SXSW great, like hanging out with Pete Cashmore (again), partying at a gay nightclub (we didn't know and partied anyway) hosted by Gary and swinging back a glass of wine with Jim Louderback, meeting people that are still my friends to this day (like my boy Sam Taggart and the awesome Leora Israel), meeting someone who became my girlfriend at the time and then sharing stories of our “younger hustle” late at night in the hotel room with the most amazing minds I have ever been around. Overall, I can honestly say that SXSW changed my life. Sounds dramatic but chances are, you haven’t been, so you wouldn’t fully understand. Believe me, it can be a life-changing experience.

Anyone who hasn’t gone should go. It’s an amazing experience and regardless of what happens, I am going in 2010. Ideally, I’d LOVE to speak there and share everything that I can with the people who are going there but I can’t fully determine that.

But YOU can!

I submitted a proposal to do a panel called “Social Media Konkatsu.” For those who are wondering what konkatsu means, it means “marriage hunting” (I knew my studying Japanese would come through at some point). I will focus on why it’s acceptable to indirectly use social media for dating and how you can use the skills you acquire from using social media to build amazing, healthy and very fulfilling OFFLINE relationships. These skills that I will introduce will not only help you network better, not only create and secure effecting business relationships but also help your dating life as well. It’s going to be a VERY fun panel and anyone who knows me or has seen me speak knows that I bring the energy and I bring the optimism. It would be an honor and an amazing sense of accomplishment for me to be able to speak at the same event that quintessentially changed my future. I would LOVE your support if you can pass this around and vote to get this panel on.

Here is the link to the actual page to vote but I am going to include the type so you can see what I am talking about.

Education, Online Relationships, Self-Help / Self-Improvement, Social Issues, Social Networking
Thomas Edwards, The Professional Wingman
  1. Why has courtship gone out the window?
  2. Who is actually using online dating site more these days?
  3. How can using social media help your interactions offline?
  4. Why is important to understand the moving trend of dating?
  5. What is konkatsu?
  6. Why would it be in your best interest to pursue dating using social media?
  7. How shy people can use social media to overcome anxieites when building offline relationships?
  8. What is the history of online dating and it's success rate?
  9. How is online dating sites different from dating through social media?
  10. What social media sites are best for building offline relationships and dating?
Using social media for dating has become more acceptable today. The dating world has changed. There are people finding each other and getting married on Twitter! As we embrace this change, it’s important to know how using social media can help your chances of finding great relationships offline.

Tell as MANY people as possible about this and if you have any questions, leave comments here and on the site and I will answer them ALL! I REALLY want this!

Thank you in advance. You have all been amazing this far in the game and I am FAR from done. There’s still so much do to.

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