What You Can Learn From Tiger Woods — The Professional Wingman®

What You Can Learn From Tiger Woods

Tiger Woods had the best influence in the world. His father. Tiger could do no wrong and he knew exactly what he needed to do. If everything failed, he had the best support group in his dad. When his father passed away, it seemed everything changed.

Tiger lost his way. He had no one else to seek guidance from. There was no influence in his life able to help him stay the course. Since then, he led a second life. A life that his father would have been ashamed of. And although Tiger isn’t the poster boy for anything dating-related, there is something you can learn from him as he makes his return to golf in 2 weeks.

The value of true resilience and focus.

Tiger had to go through a lot because of his infidelity - certainly deserved what he had to go through. His time away from golf - from life - will show if he’s back on the right track. But Tiger has gone through adversity many times before - mostly on the golf course. If I were him, there would be a few things I’d keep in my head as I make my comeback to being arguably the best athlete in the world.

What did dad used to tell me? I’m sure losing your father is tough. My father is currently going through some tough times and I’m not too sure what I’ll do when the day comes for him to move on. Thinking about that is difficult so I can only imagine what Tiger must think when thoughts of his dad run through his head. But still, Tiger’s father’s words will last forever and they were Tiger’s true inspiration. What were the words of your inspiration? Never lose track of that and continue to use it as motivation.

Create a new support group. You’re as great as the people you’re around the most. Clearly, the people he hung out with were ok with his immoral actions. You can come up with these ideas/actions on your own but whether he likes to admit it or not, it takes other people to justify your actions. If there are people in your life who are steering you in the wrong direction, stop seeing those people and reach out to people who lead the life you would like to live now.

Refocus on what made you dominate in [insert activity here]. Remember when Tiger first popped into the scene? He had focus unlike anyone else. No one could touch him. If you were paired with him on the final day, you were screwed. What was his focus? What was his drive? What did he have to prove? Those are things he should think about. In the end, those ideas, thoughts, and actions are what’s going to put him back at the top. His state of mind when he first showed up on tour is exactly what he needs to have from this day forward. You need to figure out the same thing. What state of mind puts you at your best?

As you can see, lifestyle is VERY important and can impact other parts of someone’s life, quite easily. Adjusting your lifestyle and you’re state will get you back on track and focused.