resilience — The Professional Wingman® – Dating & Lifestyle Strategy Blog — The Professional Wingman®


I double dare you.


2011 Dating & Lifestyle Kickstart Guide Overview (Part 3 of 4). If you'd like to follow along from the beginning, please check out the introductory videopart 1 and part 2 of the overview.

Here is a story of a client who really didn’t want to work with me.

I have friends and other people who will tell me they know someone who could use my services. I always appreciate people who will go to unusual lengths to help out a friend. For those who are serious about helping out their friend, I have them bring their friend out to meet me over drinks and something I call, a “reverse intervention.”

What You Can Learn From Tiger Woods

Tiger Woods had the best influence in the world. His father. Tiger could do no wrong and he knew exactly what he needed to do. If everything failed, he had the best support group in his dad. When his father passed away, it seemed everything changed.

Tiger lost his way. He had no one else to seek guidance from. There was no influence in his life able to help him stay the course. Since then, he led a second life. A life that his father would have been ashamed of. And although Tiger isn’t the poster boy for anything dating-related, there is something you can learn from him as he makes his return to golf in 2 weeks.

The value of true resilience and focus.

Tiger had to go through a lot because of his infidelity - certainly deserved what he had to go through. His time away from golf - from life - will show if he’s back on the right track. But Tiger has gone through adversity many times before - mostly on the golf course. If I were him, there would be a few things I’d keep in my head as I make my comeback to being arguably the best athlete in the world.

What did dad used to tell me? I’m sure losing your father is tough. My father is currently going through some tough times and I’m not too sure what I’ll do when the day comes for him to move on. Thinking about that is difficult so I can only imagine what Tiger must think when thoughts of his dad run through his head. But still, Tiger’s father’s words will last forever and they were Tiger’s true inspiration. What were the words of your inspiration? Never lose track of that and continue to use it as motivation.

Create a new support group. You’re as great as the people you’re around the most. Clearly, the people he hung out with were ok with his immoral actions. You can come up with these ideas/actions on your own but whether he likes to admit it or not, it takes other people to justify your actions. If there are people in your life who are steering you in the wrong direction, stop seeing those people and reach out to people who lead the life you would like to live now.

Refocus on what made you dominate in [insert activity here]. Remember when Tiger first popped into the scene? He had focus unlike anyone else. No one could touch him. If you were paired with him on the final day, you were screwed. What was his focus? What was his drive? What did he have to prove? Those are things he should think about. In the end, those ideas, thoughts, and actions are what’s going to put him back at the top. His state of mind when he first showed up on tour is exactly what he needs to have from this day forward. You need to figure out the same thing. What state of mind puts you at your best?

As you can see, lifestyle is VERY important and can impact other parts of someone’s life, quite easily. Adjusting your lifestyle and you’re state will get you back on track and focused.

E & O and a Little Bit of PR

How do you build loyalty in a world of infidelity and infinite choice? Well when it comes to dating, I talk a little bit of PR.

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Do You Want to Empower Your Love Life?

If so, sign up for The State of the Wingman newsletter for free dating tips and exclusive content! Also receive my free eBook, The Other Twenty Percent - The Starter Guide for Instant Dating Success. One of the easiest and effective ways to see dating improvement.

Pride, Determination and Resilience

As I am watching the movie Pride, it made me think about your pursuit. In your pursuit of being better with women and becoming a better man, you need to build a foundation of pride, determination and resilience.

Pride. It is the firm feeling of pure satisfaction from your own achievements or from qualities that are widely appreciated. Take some pride in yourself and what you are looking to accomplish here. Your pride should one of the main things motivating you to push through your comfort zone and become successful in life and with women.

Think about it.

How much pleasure do you get when you’re able to get the number of a very attractive woman? How satisfying is it when a woman tells you that she’s never been with someone like you? How awesome is it when you can wake up and feel like a much improved version of yourself from the day before? Think about those feelings and let them push you forward to help you get to where you want to be.

Determination. It is the firmness of purpose. How bad do you really want this? I mean, seriously. I hear guys say all the time that they want to be better with women. They want to be able to have the confidence to go up to a woman and sweep them off of their feet. I’m sure you all do, but how determined are you? What are you willing to invest in yourself to make this REALLY happen? You must find your reason – your purpose – for wanting this so bad and let them be another motivator for your progression.

There is an end game to each stage in life. This is just another stage.

Resilience. It is the ability to withstand or recover quickly from difficult situations. Rejection is GOING to happen, whether you like it or not. Women WILL put you on the spot just to see how you will react. There will be other guys around who will try to clown you. These things are going to happen. You are going to be in situations that you won’t be prepared for. What actions you take to maintain control of yourself and the reality around you will determine your resiliency. Maintain your composure is a very attractive quality to have and as you go through this stage of your life, you are going to develop your composure with all these difference interactions you will come across.

This is your tripod! This is the foundation that you can leave here with right away. And we all know what happens when you don’t have one leg of a tripod.

Go out there and be the best and don’t settle for ANYTHING less.


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My Cousin's Wedding - A Growing Up Series Part 2 of 2

This is continuation of the growing up series I started last week. There was a lot of information there that I wanted people to take in and since then, I have been able to relax, re-focus on what I need to do and come back stronger than ever. Here are some more of my thoughts, let me know what you think.

In perspective, we will truly never know whom we’ll end up with. He or she can be someone from the present, the past or the future. But we won’t really understand that until we have a chance to look back. Clearly, this kind of thinking may not be beneficial for some. But for the way I think, it’s important that I remind myself of that so that I don’t get stuck in the past and can make the best of my present for the best future possible. Sometimes, we get caught up thinking something HAS to be when it doesn’t have to be at all. Like I’ve said before, life doesn’t care about your plan.

Family will always be a big part of my life.
No matter where I am and what I am doing in my life, I will do my best to keep my family around. They had the responsibility of bringing me up – a task that I must say was a hard one – and they all have always been my biggest fans. Seeing my aunt so happy to see her son get married is something I can’t wait to share with my own parents. They have done so much and continue to do so to see that I become the man I want to be and for that, I am eternally grateful.

There is a time and place for everything. For the people who feel hopeless when it comes to dating or may have had their heart broken at some point in their life, once again, it’s important to keep things in perspective. Time will NOT let you go. Like I say, sometimes, things cannot work out because of timing. Sometimes, you may not be ready and don’t even realize it. Other times, there are other circumstances that will just not make a relationship progress. Whatever it is, you have to continue to do your best and not to be hard on yourself. I told one of my clients the other day that as much as your past experiences have brought you to where you are today, it’s important that you give the next person that comes around a fair chance. If you don’t, you may be setting yourself up for self-sabotage, which I personally think is one of the major reasons why most people are single today.

One of the most powerful things in this world is forgiveness. Forgive yourself. Forgive others. We only get one shot at life. There isn’t a practice round and there’s no run-through. We are ALL going to make mistakes. And like social media, business and anything else in life, it’s all about how you respond. What have you learned? How are you going to bounce back? What’s your first step forward on your road to recovery? Have some pride in who you are and be determined to live the life that you truly believe you deserve.

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Pride. Determination. Resilience.

Everytime I read this, I get pumped. It'll be a constant reminder for me and it should be for you as well. To get the original version, be sure to check it out at Pickup Evolution. Those guys write REALLY good stuff when it comes to women and personal development.

As I am watching the movie Pride, it made me think about your pursuit. In your pursuit of being better with women and becoming a better man, you need to build a foundation of pride, determination and resilience.

Pride. It is the firm feeling of pure satisfaction from your own achievements or from qualities that are widely appreciated. Take some pride in yourself and what you are looking to accomplish here. Your pride should one of the main things motivating you to push through your comfort zone and become successful in life and with women.

Think about it.

How much pleasure do you get when you’re able to get the number of a very attractive woman? How satisfying is it when a woman tells you that she’s never been with someone like you? How awesome is it when you can wake up and feel like a much improved version of yourself from the day before? Think about those feelings and let them push you forward to help you get to where you want to be.

Determination. It is the firmness of purpose. How bad do you really want this? I mean, seriously. I hear guys say all the time that they want to be better with women. They want to be able to have the confidence to go up to a woman and sweep them off of their feet. I’m sure you all do, but how determined are you? What are you willing to invest in yourself to make this REALLY happen? You must find your reason - your purpose - for wanting this so bad and let them be another motivator for your progression.

There is an end game to each stage in life. This is just another stage.

Resilience. It is the ability to withstand or recover quickly from difficult situations. Rejection is GOING to happen, whether you like it or not. Women WILL put you on the spot just to see how you will react. There will be other guys around who will try to clown you. These things are going to happen. You are going to be in situations that you won’t be prepared for. What actions you take to maintain control of yourself and the reality around you will determine your resiliency. Maintain your composure is a very attractive quality to have and as you go through this stage of your life, you are going to develop your composure with all these difference interactions you will come across.

This is your tripod! This is the foundation that you can leave here with right away. And we all know what happens when you don’t have one leg of a tripod.

Go out there and be the best and don’t settle for ANYTHING less.

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