Creating A Unique Style — The Professional Wingman®

Creating A Unique Style

NOTE: Blank Label is a new sponsor of The Professional Wingman.

Remember the days of “peacocking?” Guys dressing ridiculously just to get attention from women? The crazy thing was it worked until women caught on. Today, there are enough holidays and theme parties to wear those things you thought were socially appropriate. So why not do some homework and find out what actually makes man stand out from his pack?

I remember over a year and a half ago, I put out a blog post about finding good shirts. It was a great post for someone who was looking to get a basic idea as to what to wear and how to find things that worked for them.

In the age of purchasing clothes online from places like Zappos, Amazon and eBay, why not order customized shirts? Think about it. You would essentially be the only person to have the shirt. Imagine a wardrobe filled with customized shirts that no one else can buy in stores or replicate. Pretty cool, huh?

I introduce to you, Blank Label.

Instead of explaining it in words, Molly from was awesome enough to do a video of ordering a shirt on BL. Enjoy. PS - Who’s that guy in the pink shirt on the home page?

The shirts use quality material, fit REALLY well, are durable and inexpensive, compared to other custom shirts. I personally have two shirts from BL, one that I have worn on a recent episode of LoveNation.


I’d like to get you in on the fun so I’d like to offer you a 20% discount for first-time buyers. Just enter the code wingman at checkout and you’re good to go!

I’d love to see designs you’ve made! Also, be sure to check out the newly-designed Blank Label blog for updates, special announcements and information.