hats — The Professional Wingman® – Dating & Lifestyle Strategy Blog — The Professional Wingman®


The Return of the Hat

Ever since I was able to change my hairstyle, I have been obsessed with hats. I have always loved wearing them as it’s one of those overlooked accessories that can make an entire outfit complete. Some guys I know dress around the hat. I personally think that’s a recipe for disaster, as it will limit your options. A hat is just an addition to your style it’s not a foundation piece. Remember that.

But as I continue to try to bring hats back in style in Boston (sorry, Justin [Timberlake]), my barber told me about this hat place in Jamaica Plain that he thought I’d love. It was called Salmagundi. He said that it was ALL hats. I was sold. I went there on a Tuesday and much to my chagrin, it was closed (Salmagundi is closed on Mondays and Tuesdays). So I made sure that I made time to go the next day with my cousin. When I walked in, I felt like I was in hat heaven. It’s a small store but has a lot of energy and personality. It’s easy to feel right at home at this place.


I was looking for a hat to wear in couple hours for an event and Jessen, one of the owners of Salmagundi, was there to help me out and see what hats I looked good in. Come to find out, I looked pretty good in many hats.



Salmagundi’s hats range in price ($40 and up) so anyone can come here. Jessen and Andria can tell you what hats to wear during each season and what materials last longer than others. A quality hat can last you for years if you are able to take care of them. Just like fitted caps and just like a nice pairs of shoes, these kinds of hats require care and a level of maintenance. Just like certain shoes, you shouldn’t wear straw summer hats in the rain. Then again, wearing a sweatshirt during a heat wave, it may not be best to wear a wool hat in the summer. These are all things you can learn from the peeps at Salmagundi.

I love this place and I plan to get all of my hats from here. Personally, I see hats making a strong comeback (once again, sorry, JT) and if you are looking for some quality hats and a little bit of flare, Salmagundi is going to be your place to get them.

There are located at:

765 Centre Street
Jamaica Plain, MA 02130
(617) 522-5047

You can check out their blog at Salmagundi Boston.

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Style Series - The Real Meaning of Dressing Casual

This is a continuation of my Style Series. You can check out the first post here:

The Importance of Layering

First thing’s first, gentlemen. Dressing casual does not mean that it’s ok to wear sweatpants. That also doesn’t mean that style and creativity goes out of the window either. Casual actually gives you even more options and chances to look your best for whatever occasion it may be.

The importance here is that you can look good no matter what the occasion is.

Obviously, there will be difficult here. You don’t want to show up to a house party in a tux, then again, you don’t want to show up to a black-tie formal in a polo and golf shorts. But take opportunity to do something “cool” to get yourself to stand out wherever you go.

Accessories are good ways to set yourself apart from a crowd. I am starting to get really into hats, despite having so much hair.

Sometimes, you can take something more “dressy” and make it more casual, which I will start to do now that the summer is really here.

But whatever you do, make sure you put in the effort to look good – even if it's "just casual."

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