The Return of the Hat — The Professional Wingman®

The Return of the Hat

Ever since I was able to change my hairstyle, I have been obsessed with hats. I have always loved wearing them as it’s one of those overlooked accessories that can make an entire outfit complete. Some guys I know dress around the hat. I personally think that’s a recipe for disaster, as it will limit your options. A hat is just an addition to your style it’s not a foundation piece. Remember that.

But as I continue to try to bring hats back in style in Boston (sorry, Justin [Timberlake]), my barber told me about this hat place in Jamaica Plain that he thought I’d love. It was called Salmagundi. He said that it was ALL hats. I was sold. I went there on a Tuesday and much to my chagrin, it was closed (Salmagundi is closed on Mondays and Tuesdays). So I made sure that I made time to go the next day with my cousin. When I walked in, I felt like I was in hat heaven. It’s a small store but has a lot of energy and personality. It’s easy to feel right at home at this place.


I was looking for a hat to wear in couple hours for an event and Jessen, one of the owners of Salmagundi, was there to help me out and see what hats I looked good in. Come to find out, I looked pretty good in many hats.



Salmagundi’s hats range in price ($40 and up) so anyone can come here. Jessen and Andria can tell you what hats to wear during each season and what materials last longer than others. A quality hat can last you for years if you are able to take care of them. Just like fitted caps and just like a nice pairs of shoes, these kinds of hats require care and a level of maintenance. Just like certain shoes, you shouldn’t wear straw summer hats in the rain. Then again, wearing a sweatshirt during a heat wave, it may not be best to wear a wool hat in the summer. These are all things you can learn from the peeps at Salmagundi.

I love this place and I plan to get all of my hats from here. Personally, I see hats making a strong comeback (once again, sorry, JT) and if you are looking for some quality hats and a little bit of flare, Salmagundi is going to be your place to get them.

There are located at:

765 Centre Street
Jamaica Plain, MA 02130
(617) 522-5047

You can check out their blog at Salmagundi Boston.

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