consulting — The Professional Wingman® – Dating & Lifestyle Strategy Blog — The Professional Wingman®


The Professional Wingman is Here!


So it's finally here! I am SO excited about this. I wanted to make my dating consulting fun and unlike many that is out there. I really feel like this is the way to do it. I present to you, the Professional Wingman.

It will serve as the extension of the Project Infinity brand and will be the center of my dating consulting services. For those that have been here from the beginning, my dating consulting hasn't changed. What I have added has been the "wingman" element. The wingman (me), will be the guy that helps enhance your nightlife right there with you. I'll be taking you out to places in Boston and we will rock out. I will help you meet women (and men for women who want this service) and give you real-time feedback as to how your interaction is going.

I have been working on this for a few months and I can confidently say that I have it down pat. My coaching, motivating and methods have provided very good results and now I can make this service public.

If you want to inquire about services, be sure to check out the Professional Wingman site.

I am TOO excited about this and as always, I am welcome to much feedback.

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