bars — The Professional Wingman® – Dating & Lifestyle Strategy Blog — The Professional Wingman®


Monday Maverick: Go Out Alone

Kick it old school. Go out by yourself.

Every Monday I’ll be giving tips on different perspectives on dating that will “free Your mind.”Like a true Maverick, I’ll give an unorthodox approach to everyday scenarios that will help you in your dating life and potentially beyond.

Going out alone.

This past weekend, I had a chance to meet with a couple now-new clients and it was clear to me that their problem is a common issue among most people I know.

Your Guide to: minibar

There’s no hiding it. I LOVE minibar. I have many friends that I hang out with there, I’ve even shot videos and make no mistake; people can have a blast there.

From what I’ve heard (from an anonymous manager), minibar has been named Best Pickup Bar in Boston. Makes sense since it’s such a great social scene and you can REALLY meet anyone at any given time.

In preparation for LoveNation’s Launch Party that I’m having there tomorrow night, I have decided to give you a guide to how to handle minibar if you go there by yourself or with friends.

Overview: minibar gets it’s name from not the size of the bar but the size of the bottles that they serve at tables. Overall, there are 6 lounge “areas” and a bar that can hold upwards of 12 people. There is also another area as you can in the picture to the left that can seat 6 people.

Positioning: I think in every place, there are “dead zones” where you’ll have almost no chance of meeting people. Here are the “dead zones” at minibar: 

The near corner of the bar (seen in the picture) 
The right lounge area in the picture (even if you’re with another person) 
The left side of the lounge area in the middle of the picture (behind a “mini” wall) 
The lounge area by the front door (facing the bar). 

If you’re in a very small group and are looking to socialize, don’t go to these areas. These areas are for people who are in larger groups and are just looking to hang out amongst themselves.

The “money” areas give you the best chance of meeting people. At minibar: 

The far corner of the bar in the picture 
The middle area of the bar. 

The most traffic will walk through there and by standing, it’ll give you the best chance to see people (no matter where they are), make eye contact and make your move. Just be sure to let the bartenders by when they have to send drinks to table areas. That area can get crowded rather quickly.

Best times to go: Happy hour (Monday-Thursday 5-7), Tuesday (DJ nights), Friday and Saturday nights; and of course, THIS TUESDAY NIGHT!

Drink of choice: If you’re a beer drinker, keep it classy with a Narragansett. If you like wine, order a cabernet. If you’d rather something a little more stiff, grab a Belvedere and tonic.

I hope you get a chance to check it out but more importantly, come to the party tomorrow night!

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Wingman Approved or Unapproved? You Decide

A question from a local nightlife worker

Hey, I remember you said something about things to do in your service industry to meet people you're interested in...Please share.

Boston, MA

Hey John!

Here is link to the episode of WingmanTV that talked about this in true detail.

Episode #8: How to Pick Up a Bartender

In the meantime, here are some good tips:

1. Always be friendly with everyone (I know this is your job but some people do actually forget.). Give special attention to the women you are interested in. When I mean special attention, I don't mean special treatment. Just talk to her and her friends more every chance you get. To be honest, it all starts from the moment you check her ID. Be playful and have a sense of spirit. The more cool you seem, the more likely she’ll want to come outside and hang with you when she smokes or joins her friends . Since you work the front door, you are a man of authority and inherently attractive. Use that to your advantage.

2. If you think someone is interested in you, let her know when you are usually working the door she knows when you two can see each other again.

3. If you want to ask her out or get her number, since you can't really be messing around with the phone while you work (or can you? I don't know), tell her to put down YOUR number and then have her text you her name. It's easy, simple and very discreet.

Those should be some good starters. Let me know if that helps.

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Review of Beacon Hill Pub

Address: 49 Charles St

Who Goes There: young neighborhood people, ages 23-30

Price: $

Best Nights to Go: TBA

Specials: drink specials to the max, including $5 drafts

Beacon Hill Pub is a great place for young people to show up. If you're here with friends, there are plenty to things to entertain you including basketball!

Mostly guys usually come because it's your typical dive and there's cheap beer but there's a decent amount of women that are here now. I can imagine more would come on busier nights.

The place is split into to "sections." Both are the same, except one room has the ball game.

Staff is friendly but it's not the best place I'd say to meet women or have a good time with friends. Not that it's terrible but there are better.

And, it's @JustinObey's birthday so be sure to give him love.

Rating: 76 C

Wingman Approved

Waitress at McGreevys

Let’s get right into it. When someone in the group is interested in a bartender or waitress that is working at a bar or restaurant, I truly believe that there needs to be discussion prior to making the move. What could possibly be talked about? Well, there’s a lot that can be at risk when attempting such a move.

There’s a risk in your friend not being comfortable going back to that place. If the attempt bombs or if you two actually go out and end up hating each other, it may not be in his best interest to go back to that place. Not only will she talk to her co-workers, her co-workers will talk to the regulars that frequent the place, pretty much blacklisting him from being able to have a good time or meet people there.

Also, you friend may jeopardize the ability of everyone around him as well – including you. It’s a guilty-by-association kind of thing.

But if you trust the guy, let him do this thing and act like you don’t know what’s going on, then there’s a chance things can work out. All you have to do is give your buddy a helping hand.

So one of my buddies thought that one of the waitresses that was serving us was cute. I told him to go for it. And so he did. There was lots of energy and fun and engaging conversation, as I would only expect of him. What was important was that his friends would have the same energy and can provide the same amount of fun, which would inherently up his value to her as a potential someone to hang out with. So all I did was crack jokes, ask fun questions, talked up my buddy and be almost as cool as he was, without taking his spotlight or getting her attracted to me. Very important in the Wingman Code of Ethics. You don’t want her attention veering from your friend. You want to highlight all of the reasons why your friend is the catch and she should take chance – even if it is at a place WHERE SHE’S WORKING – to go out with him.

Then there is a certain point where you take a step back and see if he can actually get her to hang out with him outside of the bar. At that point, he’s on his own. If you are wondering, my buddy was successful and she met up with us (to be read as “him”) later on that night.

The point is this: if you’re out with friends at a bar or restaurant and one of them really wants to try to get a date with the waitress or bartender, have “the talk” first then be fully supportive in helping him get there. It’s a rare feat but one that’s totally possible.

Keyword: SUPPORT

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Review of McGreevy’s

Address: 911 Boylston St. Boston, MA 02115


Best Nights: Tuesday, Friday, Saturday, Red Sox home games

Who Goes There: Mostly young people. Good ratio of men and women Ages 23-28.

Cost: $$

Special: Mondays – 10-cent wings (only football season?), Tuesdays - $3 PBR tall-boys and 10-cent wings


There are some nights when I just end up at McGreevy’s and I don’t know how it happened. I don’t think I’ve ever planned a night involving McGreevy’s but somehow, I end up there. I mean, clearly there’s something about this place that gets me to walk in more often than walk by.

When you go in, it’s just your typical bar (at this point, I’ve been to so many bars that I just see the same thing), but with the younger bar and wait staff, fun music and proximity to Berklee College and the Fenway area, it draws a good young crowd. This is a great place for college and post-grads looking to have a good time with friends and even make new ones. People seem to be pretty receptive to talking to you just as long as you fulfill the minimum requirement of not being creepy. Like I said before, expect a younger crowd to be here, so if you’re pushing 40, this wouldn’t really be the place for you.

The upstairs goes back pretty far and it was a bar at both ends. However, the space is narrow and with booths and table bordering the space, so it can get pretty cramped in there on the weekends. Be prepared to have people bump into or move you throughout the night if you’re in a high-traffic area. There is also a downstairs that is usually used for private events or bands but people can socialize as well downstairs if you want to get away from the mass temporarily.

It’s a good spot for Red Sox games, whether on TV or for home games. Typically, you’ll see some people pre-game there before heading to the game and then potentially coming back after the game (more likely on a win…on a weekend). With a few of their specials revolving around sports, it can be a decent sports bar.

Overall, McGreevy’s serves as a decent choice among the bars in that area. Although there are about 7 bars in two block radius, McGreevy’s does end up being one of the better choices out of the group. I give it an 83 (B-) overall.

Fun sports bar
Great place for meeting people
Awesome staff
10-cent wings

Can get too crowded on the weekends
Bar space is minimal

If you have any questions about the place, feel free to check out their site:

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So Where Can You Go to Meet People?

Here's the basic breakdown of where people can go to meet people.

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Wingman Approved or Unapproved? You Decide.

Buying a Woman Drinks


Clients ask me this all the time and I am going to put it to rest NOW. When it comes to buying a woman a drink, NEVER BUY A WOMAN A DRINK.

I know women out there are upset and that’s ok. I don’t care. There are reasons why I say this. It’s all about context. And here’s why.

Wingman Unapproved

Don’t buy a girl a drink within five seconds after meeting her. While no woman will REALLY refuse a free drink (in fact, women spend little amounts at bars for this reason alone), the moment you offer her one, it’ll only mean one thing. Even if this is not what you are trying to say, you are still saying this,

“You are hot. I know nothing about you, but I am willing to buy you a drink in hopes that I can validate myself to you. Also, you’ll be a little more liquored up and so maybe more likely to let a guy like me talk to you.”

It’s pathetic. You buy the drink, she takes it and then stands there, hoping that you’ll just walk away. She’s not really going to walk away until the drink is finished because she feels bad and it’s rude so she’s willing to give you at least the time it takes her to finish the drink. Yeah, you can win her over in that time, I suppose, but you’ve already put the odds against you from the start.

Also, don’t offer the girl you like a drink and not her friends. That is just not cool. If you ever want to be cockblocked, pull this move and it’ll be 100% effective. Why would you NOT offer her friends a drink? Is she THAT special that only SHE deserves the benefit of getting a drink from you out of the entire group? Want to know what you say then?

“I’m a douchebag.”

Either of these moves will be a #fail.


Wingman Approved

If you must buy her a drink, if she’s with a group, you are buying everyone a round. Personally, if you have the ulterior motive of trying to get with the girl, it’s not worth the investment of buying everyone a drink. BUT, if what you are trying to say is,

“You guys are cool, let me buy a round for you guys,”

and you actually mean it, then it’ll look SO much better.

Another situation of buying a girl a drink would be if you two were alone, whether isolated from friends or going over to another bar that night. Obviously, it’s been insinuated that the two of you would like to get to know each other in more of an intimate environment. If you are going to buy yourself a drink, it makes sense then to buy her one as well. It’s a good gesture and because you two have already gotten to know each other a little bit, the thought expressed above will less likely run through her head. Why? Because now you are having conversation over a drink as opposed to drinking over a conversation.


Pretty simple guys. Save your money or spend it on yourself.

*Wingman Approved/Unapproved is for entertainment purposes only. This is NOT advice and is only produced to evoke fun discussion and conversation. Misinterpretation of this as advice and using it in a social environment may result in brutal rejection, a drink thrown at you, a punch in the face and/or a huge social value drop. The Professional Wingman is not responsible for such misinterpretation.

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