Your Guide to: minibar

There’s no hiding it. I LOVE minibar. I have many friends that I hang out with there, I’ve even shot videos and make no mistake; people can have a blast there.

From what I’ve heard (from an anonymous manager), minibar has been named Best Pickup Bar in Boston. Makes sense since it’s such a great social scene and you can REALLY meet anyone at any given time.

In preparation for LoveNation’s Launch Party that I’m having there tomorrow night, I have decided to give you a guide to how to handle minibar if you go there by yourself or with friends.

Overview: minibar gets it’s name from not the size of the bar but the size of the bottles that they serve at tables. Overall, there are 6 lounge “areas” and a bar that can hold upwards of 12 people. There is also another area as you can in the picture to the left that can seat 6 people.

Positioning: I think in every place, there are “dead zones” where you’ll have almost no chance of meeting people. Here are the “dead zones” at minibar: 

The near corner of the bar (seen in the picture) 
The right lounge area in the picture (even if you’re with another person) 
The left side of the lounge area in the middle of the picture (behind a “mini” wall) 
The lounge area by the front door (facing the bar). 

If you’re in a very small group and are looking to socialize, don’t go to these areas. These areas are for people who are in larger groups and are just looking to hang out amongst themselves.

The “money” areas give you the best chance of meeting people. At minibar: 

The far corner of the bar in the picture 
The middle area of the bar. 

The most traffic will walk through there and by standing, it’ll give you the best chance to see people (no matter where they are), make eye contact and make your move. Just be sure to let the bartenders by when they have to send drinks to table areas. That area can get crowded rather quickly.

Best times to go: Happy hour (Monday-Thursday 5-7), Tuesday (DJ nights), Friday and Saturday nights; and of course, THIS TUESDAY NIGHT!

Drink of choice: If you’re a beer drinker, keep it classy with a Narragansett. If you like wine, order a cabernet. If you’d rather something a little more stiff, grab a Belvedere and tonic.

I hope you get a chance to check it out but more importantly, come to the party tomorrow night!

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