Modes of Attraction: Part 3 - Logos — The Professional Wingman®

Modes of Attraction: Part 3 - Logos

This is continuation of a three-part series discussing the three modes of attraction, playing off Aristotle’s Modes of Persuasion. Here, you’ll learn the different methods in which attraction is demonstrated.

Part 1: Ethos 
Part 2: Pathos 
Part 3: Logos

The logos mode of persuasion, as told by Aristotle, is logical appeal. The word logic is derived from it. Basically, this strategy is used to describe facts and theories that prove someone’s attraction. This kind of attraction actually improves your ethos because it positions the person as more attractive as a result of this new “knowledge.” This can come directly (from the person) or indirectly (from the person’s friend).

Remember in the previous entry on pathos when I mentioned people’s ability to story-tell? Well, here we go a little deeper and talk about the actual words used in what you say that makes you more attractive. The major difference between the two is ethos is intentionally used to evoke emotion and logos is intended to be logical - in other words - attraction is supposed to make sense.

After establishing your attraction credibility, you can now say or do things that can not only validate your credibility but also enhance your attraction. An example would be if you were the manager for a famous rock band and you shared stories of what was going on a backstage after shows. These stories logically credit you as a manager and it increases your attraction through having a unique lifestyle through experiences people dream of having.

Another example would be if (as a wingman) I would talk about you to people while you’re out of conversation. I would mention particular things that are great about you and would make you appear more attractive. I would call something like this artificial attraction (a play off of artificial intelligence), meaning it’s not as good as the real thing (if you were talking about these things yourself). Once again, this kind of strategy ties into ethos because it helps build your attraction credibility.

This is also the kind of strategy that can be mishandled because it’s easy to manipulate perception with words. Words can be misleading, inaccurate or plain confusing. Because of that most women will test your logos on a consistent level. This is where most men fail as a result of incongruence. People can talk a good game but can they walk it?

To wrap this all up, I’ll have a comprehensive video talking about which mode you should on the most and go a little deeper in various strategies for each mode.