Looking Back at 10 Years... — The Professional Wingman®

Looking Back at 10 Years...

When looking back at the past 10 years, it’s pretty ridiculous to think about where I was in 2000 and where I am now looking into 2010. I would suggest that you do the same reflection. It’s important to remember where you came from and how it has shaped who you are now. It’ll also give you an idea of where you’d like be in the future.

Personal highlights of this decade:

2000: Grew my first chest hair.* Played on a winless basketball team that summer (0-12), ironically named the Celtics.

2001: First New England Patriots Championship parade. Scored 35 points in a championship basketball game that summer. And lost.

2002: Played my first high school varsity football game.

2003: Graduated from high school. Created a city council order (still in effect today). Got my driver’s license (on my first try). Went to college in Philadelphia.

2004: First Red Sox Championship parade. Lived in my first apartment.

2005: Transferred colleges. Bought my first car. Got an Xbox360. Sold my first car that summer (as a dealer).

2006: Joined a fraternity. Created my first website. Beat Gears of War

2007: Made the turn to become who I wanted to be - and did. Lost it all that same year. Beat Call of Duty: Modern Warfare.

2008: Graduated college. Came back to Boston. Made my first tweet. Met amazing people in the social media space (the first being Pete Cashmore). First Boston Celtics Championship parade. Made the permanent turn to who I wanted to be. Met Gary Vaynerchuk (someone I consider a great friend). Started my first business. Beat Gears of War 2.

2009: Finally settled into who I really am. Went to SXSW. Met MORE amazing people. Got my first client in NYC. Vacationed in Jamaica. Made the Wall Street Journal. With someone who I am completely gaga over. Beat Halo 3: ODST.

I wonder what the next ten years will bring...

Happy New Year everyone! 

*Chronological guess