I’m in Jamaica! — The Professional Wingman®

I’m in Jamaica!

Where I am staying. The picture doesn't do it justice...

By the time you read this, I should be back home in Jamaica and on my way to the resort I’ll be staying at. The significance isn’t the fact that I’m actually going on a true vacation. For me, it’s actually the fact that I haven’t been home in 6 years.

I expect things to be VERY different in a few ways. I’m excited to be away from everything for some time off and to actually enjoy being with me and JUST me. Clearing my head, not having any worries and going nuts without regard for human life is something I think everyone needs as much as possible. Granted my mother, my sister, my brother-in-law and my nephew will be there (in proximity), but I’ll still be away from most of everything, which I think is totally healthy. I love what I do, and I believe that in order to continue to, I need to set off time for myself to maintain a healthy, spirited attitude. Anyway, I’m excited to see my family that I haven’t seen for over 6 years, including my grandfather, who is turning 95 soon. Crazy, I know.

On the other hand, being in a different country does have its benefits. If you’re in a country where women like American-speaking men, then you’re at an advantage (if you play it safe). Being in a third-world country, you get to appreciate more by having access to less. Also, there is a subtle disconnect from the United States that I enjoy. It gets me to learn about the internal affairs of another country’s government, culture, economy and other things that I’m curious about without having to be clouded by the media’s focus on one of the world’s super powers.

In the meantime, I have a few random blog posts set up to entertain you for the next week. Don’t be surprised if I post a random video or a blog post in between as well while I am down there. I think it would be fun to talk about life in a different country and how to develop a lifestyle in just a week. And as much as I don’t really want to look ahead, when I get back from Jamaica, things are going to pop off! There are some great things coming and I’m excited about them and you should be too. But I think it’s fair that after at least of year of hustling, I should be allowed to treat myself to an extended vacation.

For my clients, friends, family and those who want to contact me, you can still email me. It’ll just take a little longer to reply. I’ll let you know if I will have access to my cell phone when I get in.

If you don’t hear from me, have a great weekend, a better week and as always, keep it simple.

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