What Women Can Learn From Tough Love — The Professional Wingman®

What Women Can Learn From Tough Love

Some of you can’t stand reality TV shows. Others love reveling in someone else’s drama and demise. Personally, I have a love-hate relationship with reality TV. I remember a few summers ago, I was addicted to VH1’s The Pick Up Artist, Scott Baio is 45 and Single and Rock of Love Season 1. There was something about these shows that drew me to make sure I was home to watch them every Sunday night. A year later, it finally occurred to me what that was.

I was addicted to analyzing the progress of people’s personal development.

I figured that by watching these people through the various personalities and tribulations that they went through, I could find something that I can learn to help my life and know what to do should I encounter a similar situation.

Unfortunately, those shows are purely for entertainment and have zero educational quality these days. However, there is one that has a little bit of educational value.

VH1’s Tough Love.

Over the course of several weeks, I’ll have a post talking about the theme and what you can learn from each episode. I am a little behind schedule here so stay tuned later today for a quick updates from the first three episodes.

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