Wingman Approved — The Professional Wingman®

Wingman Approved

Dating 101: The Simple Guide to Attraction


This winter, I will be teaching a class at the Boston Center for Adult Education. I am REALLY excited to be doing this, as it’ll give me a great opportunity to help more people at the same time in a more efficient manner. Each class is designed to never be overwhelming and give you information, tips, guideline and advice that you can use the moment you walk right out of the door.

Here is the course description:

“Delve into what keeps you back from having successful interactions with people you are attracted to and find the solutions to those issues, while understanding the process of meeting and attracting someone. Topics to be covered include, approach anxiety (why you have it, where it comes from and how to handle it), being a good conversationalist (how to avoid “the interview” and still get the answers you are looking for), body language, flirting, identifying signs that someone is interested, image presentation and timing risks (when to ask for the number, date, etc.). There will be in-class demonstrations so everyone can get a clearer idea of what to look for and an open Q&A to answer any questions. 

People who have been having a hard time getting dates, creating attraction or just flat out approaching attractive people will be able to use the material learned in this class the moment they walk out.”

There are five classes running every Saturday (11AM to 12:30PM) from November 14th through December 19 (No class the weekend of Thanksgiving). And no, there will not be a final exam, but this course is designed to push you through your comfort zone, make you feel good and have you enjoy yourself while learning a wealth of things about you that makes you attractive.

Tuition for non-members is $120 and $96 for members.

To register for the class, get more information and look for directions, check out all of the details at the Boston Center for Adult Education site.

Even if you’re not interested, put this in front of someone that may be. At $120 for a 5-class course, this is a REALLY amazing deal and I am NOT going to do this for too long.

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