A Weekend of Learning About the Alpha Male — The Professional Wingman®

A Weekend of Learning About the Alpha Male

So it’s Friday and I am very excited about the weekend. I am sitting here writing this article while watching a Bruce Lee movie called the Legend of Bruce Lee and thinking about how badass he was in his movies. This movie talked about how he grew up learning from so many different people various forms of martial arts. He lacked respect for people, always ran into trouble and constantly had to defend his friends from bullies. After time, he began to appreciate the martial art form and began to dedicate himself to using it for good. People forget how much of an amazing actor he was. But just his personality and his flare alone attributes to what the alpha male is all about. Bruce Lee was willing to try anything that would improve himself. He worked so hard and trained every day to be the best at everything he set his mind to. And in his movies, he taught so much about defending yourself , what you believe in and taking risks. He also taught a lot about overcoming the odds and being the underdog. There is a lot you can learn about life and yourself watching his movies. If you haven’t seen Bruce Lee in a while, it would be worthwhile to add it to your Netflix queue.

Tomorrow, I get to see another aspect of the alpha male by going to see a comedy show with Jim Gaffigan. I would recommend anyone going to a comedy show and listening to these comedians tell their jokes. It important to notice how they deliver their punch lines and how they tell their stories. It’s a great way to learn how to tell stories and make people laugh – two qualities that are very attractive to women.

Then on Sunday, after much waiting, I get to see the new James Bond in Quantum of Solace. I have heard mixed reviews but I have been trying to ignore them. James Bond is what every man would love to be. For decades he has been the image of the Alpha Male. He always looks his best, has the right things to say, has the coolest gear (until recently) and of course gets the hottest women. It’s pretty easy for any man to jealous of any guy that gets to play James Bond (currently Daniel Craig). But if you have watched all 22 Bond films, you should know by now what makes James Bond and how he exemplifies the attributes of the alpha male. He’s coy, mysterious, cold, calculated, smart, cunning, strong, and clever and the list goes on. His body language is never in question and he always seems to know the right thing to say at the right time. Yeah, I know it’s a movie but who says that can’t and doesn’t happen in real life?

So I hope everyone has some fun this weekend and keep learning.