Feedback, Please? — The Professional Wingman®

Feedback, Please?

So, I just got home this morning from a fun date and with so much to do today, I wanted to touch base with you guys ask how you are liking the site so far. It’s only been a couple of months but I have received a much larger turnout than expected and have been doing my best to give you as much content as possible!

But still I feel as though it can get better! And it will. But I could sure use your help. For those who have been following the site, I would love to know what you like/dislike about the site. Are there things that I am missing that you’d love to see?

Do you like the look of the site? Are you able to read my articles?

Do you guys like the video posts? Should I do more?

Is there anything else you’d like me to possibly cover?

Any suggestion at all is a great one. You can either post your comment here, or you can email me at

I am excited for the next few months, especially next month when I will be releasing some cool exclusive stuff for members! I’m still working on it so I will announce when it’s released so you can get a chance at capturing one of the limited spots!

Of course, I thank you all and look forward to continuing to help the cause in building a better future for all of us!