twestival — The Professional Wingman® – Dating & Lifestyle Strategy Blog — The Professional Wingman®


What's Going On Today?

So it's one of those Thursdays and there are quite a few things going on. The Style of Attaction bootcamp has been cancelled at the last minute unfortunately. I apologize but for the sake of having a quality production and audience, we thought it would be best to have it on another day. Expect it to be in October.

So now that you have some free time, what is there to do? Well, how about everything.

Chris Brogan is having a book launch party for his book Trust Agents. It's from 6-9 at FELT. Details.

Twestival is happening at OM Lounge tonight starting at 6:30. That should be a good time. Details.

Pokin' Holes is doing the usual with a pretty cool company, Green Vans, at Vinalia at 6:45. Details.
Let's not forget the after party at Whiskey Park, where there will be some free Veev Vodka and soda, thanks to BYFAD. That party starts at 10. Details.

It's going to be a long day for me, but I'm hoping to see many people today and have some fun. Look out for me out and about in Boston.

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