nightclubs — The Professional Wingman® – Dating & Lifestyle Strategy Blog — The Professional Wingman®


Amusement Parks and Nightclubs

So last night, I was invited to go to the Absolut Boston launch party at District Lounge. I was allowed to bring a guest and so I invited follow wingman, Cort Johnson to partake in the festivities. I was pretty excited to go just because I thought it would be fun. Plus, you can’t really complain about open bar from 10-2. Anyway, we had a drink at Cleary’s before heading over there. I made it a point not to be too late because we wanted to make the best of the time there. We ended up getting in line at around 10:50. And it wasn’t long at all. As much as I hate lines, I figured it wouldn’t be bad and we’d be in there with vodka flowing like water. Then, everything went awry.

People started to cut to the front to try to get in before others and then people were standing in front of the entrance, calling whoever they could inside so they could come down and get them. People were dropping names like it’s was going out of style. It was absolutely entertaining. But then when so many people are moving around and causing a mess, you’d think that the security that’s out there would establish some sort of organization. Nope. Not only did they fail at it, what they did was make ANOTHER line of people who apparently had a "connection."

So now you have a line of people who were on the list (like me and Cort), and you have another line of people who were on “the list,” this imaginary list of people who think that they don’t have to wait in line (funny how they had to wait in line anyway). So, as I saw people who were on “the list” slowly get in, my patience was starting to wear thin. At this point, Cort and I were pretty much at the front of the line and for the next 4 minutes, we continued to see people get in before us to the point where the building was not only over capacity, but probably unsafe should an emergency were to occur. Then Cort and I made the decision to leave and go to MiniBar. We left at 11:08.

Total wait time at District: 18 minutes.

Total time it took us to walk in MiniBar and get a drink for both of us: 2 minutes.

And that doesn’t mean that MiniBar was empty. We walked in pretty much as it was about to peak. There were a really good amount of people. And then, when we sat down, we looked at each other and we were thinking the same thing.

“Why didn’t we just come here from the beginning?”

Sure it would have been fun to get into the party, but looking at the kinds of people who were going in and who were in line, it was obvious that these people weren’t our kind of people. The whole nightclub scene is just a messed up amusement park. Women just want to be seen and men just want to flex their muscles – and their collars. You go to a place like MiniBar, and you have a chance to socialize with like-minded people without having to fight through large crowds, loud music and the other fluff that comes with a typical nightclub.

It was a good reminder for me and let this be a lesson for you. If you’re looking to have a good time but primarily to meet someone, don’t go to a nightclub. Chances are, your quality mate is somewhere else.

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