Favorite Posts of 2012 — The Professional Wingman®

Favorite Posts of 2012

2012 has been an amazing year.

My first client got married, and my advice has been used to not only find love, but to inspire significant change in people's lives, including getting a new job, losing weight, and starting a business.

We've grown the company, hired a few people, and have set ourselves up for a great 2013. Shit is about to get real.

For now, here's a rundown of some of my favorite and popular posts of 2012.

2012: The Year of Momentum

I kicked 2012 off talking about how improving your life isn't about doing just one thing once and hoping for success. It's about doing many things, many times. And many times, change is necessary in a part of your life not related to the change you want in another.

How I Helped A Client Recover From TWO Bad Breakups

Breakups happen. And this year, it was proven more people are looking for ways to move on from previous relationships. Here's I show how I helped my client get over two bad breakups, get engaged, and now married.

How To Meet Women on Public Transportation

We spend so much time commuting, why not find a way to make the best of it? This post became one of our most popular pieces this year. And readers used the strategy with success the week this went up.

Jamaica, Inspiration and the 5 Ways to Attract Women

This year, like any year, wasn't without loss as I lost my grandfather after 97+ years. While attending his funeral in Jamaica, I took time to write about how he inspired me and what you can learn about how to attract women.

Sleep More. Get Laid.

Pretty self-explanatory. Plus, it's science.

How Leadership Can Make You More Attractive

As men, you need to set up more and be a leader, not just in your life, but in other's as well. Women really respond to a guy that has leadership qualities. This post teaches you how to acquire them.

How to Not Be Needy

Being needy is by far the most unattractive quality to women. Part of your neediness is your feeling of lack. But you don't have to create abundance to lose the neediness. Here's what you need in order take control of your dating life.

Active Listening and the Rewards Strategy

Listening is not only your key to carrying a conversation but also moving it to where you'd like it to go. This post teaches you...how to listen effectively.

How to Have the Best Social Life

12 keys to having the best social life possible. Even doing half of these will change your life.

Sex, Dreams, and Dating

We have all hangups about sex, especially when it comes to women. But the reality is women feel very similarly to you -- and there are stats to back this up.

5 Keys to a First Date

Here's what to do and not do when setting up the first date.

The Perfect First Date

Here's what to do when you're actually on the first date.

Thank you for being a part of this journey. It's been awesome knowing you've been using the material here to create change in your life.

Get ready because 2013 is going to be awesome.