Today is my birthday. Can you do me a favor?

No one was harmed in the popping of this bottleI am 26 today. On such a self-indulging day as a birthday, I'm going to ask for a gift from you.

Can you share one thing that I, the blog or the company has helped you with this year so far? This can be anything results-oriented like going out on a date, getting a girlfriend / boyfriend / fiancé(e), recovering from a breakup -- or it may not have anything to do with dating.

I like to give advice that can directly improve your dating life, but also can easily transfer to other areas of your life. This space allows people to "test" things out without judgment, see what the results are and shape them in ways that work for their personality. It's the true foundation on which The Professional Wingman was built.

We've come a long way from starting this company and site nearly two and a half years ago. There's nothing I'd rather hear is how we're been able to help you succeed in your dating life.

You can leave a comment here, send me a tweet on Twitter or even post a video on YouTube (tag it with #TeamWingman so I can find it).

I love stories so if you have one to share, I want to hear it! How you overcame adversity and finally asked her out. Or how you went on an awesome date. Or how you improved your ability to make eye contact. The more specific, the better.

Go ahead, make my day.