Your Mom Has Made You Who You Are -- Could That Be A Bad Thing? — The Professional Wingman®

Your Mom Has Made You Who You Are -- Could That Be A Bad Thing?


Your mom has played a strong role in how you date today.These posts are based on the reality TV series, Tough Love: Miami. I don’t comment on what happened in the show. Instead, I talk about what women can learn from each episode’s theme. You can check out my previous series here.

If you missed other posts, check them out below:

Tough Love #1: How to Create A Positive First Impression

Tough Love #2: Dating in the Digital Age

Tough Love #3: Inner & Outer Beauty

Tough Love #4: Flirting

Tough Love #5: Being Sexy

Tough Love #6: Dealbreakers

Tough Love #7: Mommy & Dating 

Nearly two years ago, I did a similar post on how a woman’s relationship with her father is a near-direct reflection on her relationships with the guys she dates. The same can be said about her mother.

Past (and current) issues can impact your dating life forever. Those influences can be attributed to how you were raised, experiences you’ve had with your mother and also things you’ve seen your mother do or experience.

If you see your mother not trust a man, chances are that influence will carry over to you not trusting any man.

If you see your mother date a certain way, you'll believe that's how dating should be done.

This isn’t meant to blame your mother for your dating troubles today, but rather to understand them, share these relevations and let them go, so you can focus on becoming more ready to date.

Although to a guy, a woman’s relationship with her mother doesn’t mean to him as much as her relationship with her dad, guys will see into where that woman’s personality comes from -- especially since a man’s relationship with his mom will usually carry more weight.

The best thing you can do is relinquish the truth. No more holding back. No more hiding. 

Breaking free from your mind jail will open you up so much more -- which will be necessary if you want to have the type of relationship you want.

That doesn’t mean it will be easy. There will be fear, pain, resentment, anger and every other emotion out there. Trusting yourself and the fact your mother is the ONLY person who will love you unconditionally will guide you.

Let me reiterate: You will NOT be able to have a complete, fulfilling relationship with the kind of man you want unless you reconcile your past and your relationships with the people who have influenced your life.

PRO TIP: If you’re unsure how to do this, examples can be sending a letter to your mother, meeting and talking with her in-person (if she’s around) or writing a personal letter and reading it aloud to someone close to you.

The most important thing is you take physical action in letting go of your past that may come with pent up frustration, sadness or anger that’s preventing you from having quality relationships elsewhere.