Life is Short. Have an Affair? — The Professional Wingman®

Life is Short. Have an Affair?


I remember walking with my girlfriend in NYC and there was an ad on the back of a newspaper that said, “It’s 8AM.” I couldn’t see the rest so I went in for a closer look.

“Do you know where your wife is?”

I couldn’t believe it. Then again, I could.

Ashley Madison has been VERY successful in taking advantage of people’s insecurities and temptations by creating a business to cash in on people's willingness to bend their morals. A site that’s dedicated to ONLY having affairs? It’s wild. This isn’t news to me (or to most of you) but I haven’t talked about infidelity on this blog much.

You see these ads all over the place and it’s TELLING you not only to cheat, but that it’s also ok. I’m not ignorant of the fact there are married couples out there who are open to including someone else into their lives. If both parties agree, then I personally don’t see anything wrong with that.

I would love for someone to let me know otherwise but I would assume that MOST people who go on the site are doing it secretly. THAT, my friends, is NOT cool.

What’s worse is that statistically, men would cheat on their spouse if they wouldn’t get caught. Really?

I’m not here to tell people what’s right or wrong. These are just my opinions and clearly, we are grownups. We’ll make up our own mind anyway. But considering that 50% of marriages end in divorce and people are getting married later in their lives, how many people can actually be devout to their significant other - and follow through?

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