Wingman University Is Open For Registration — The Professional Wingman®

Wingman University Is Open For Registration


I wanted Wingman University to be a life-changing experience. I wanted it to be effective. I wanted it to happen in 3 days. Pretty ambitious. After trying this a couple times and having unbelievable experiences with 17 people, I came across amazing feedback. Here were some of the quotes:

“This was amazing. I only wish it lasted longer.”

“I feel if it was longer, I’d be able to retain more of the information.”

“We should have women allowed to participate. It would make it better for both sexes to understand ‘the game’ better.”

“There should be homework so it gives us time to internalize and practice new concepts & strategies.”

As with any business, you have to adjust to what your customers really want. I REALLY want to give an amazing experience so I listened, made the necessary adjustments and have reopened the U to registration for classes, starting in 2011. Here are some of the new features:

Courses and programs: Gone are the 3-day bootcamps and here are individual courses and programs lasting 4 weeks. This way, people can take time to take in everything, get homework to practice and really see their progression throughout the program.

Classes are now co-ed: Through my experiences at BCAE, I’ve learned that having both men and women in the class is significant. It helps understanding and growth from both sexes as they navigate the dating scene.

Program variety: Personal growth doesn’t just happen in dating. It happens in other aspects of our lives. Although the company’s focus is on dating, we want to be a source of growth beyond dating. As a result, we are now offering the eFlirting Program, taught by founder of eFlirt Expert and eFlirt Expert VIP, Laurie Davis, and we’ll be offering other programs later on in 2011, taught by the best in the industry at what they do.

Multiple cities: Boston has always been the home of the U but in February 2011, we’ll be expanding to NYC (you can register for classes now!). I expect the U to be in another city toward the end of 2011 with special programs offered in each location.

I’m really thrilled to be offering this service and see where things go. For more information about Wingman University, you can check it out at And of course, if you have any questions, feel free to contact me.