The Boys & Girls Guide to Getting Down — The Professional Wingman®

The Boys & Girls Guide to Getting Down

When I came home the other night, I flipped on the TV as I normally do to have some background noise as I get myself ready for bed. Then I heard some ridiculous statements about picking up women. When I checked the info, it said,

“The Boys & Girls Guide to Getting Down. A Tongue-in-cheek look at 20-something singles clubbing and partying in L.A.; it's organized into 15 chapters from overview and preparation to partying and the morning after.”

I was very interested to keep watching. I ended up staying up until 4 AM but let me tell you, it is one VERY funny movie. If you can have a good sense of humor about dating and hooking up, you’ll enjoy this movie. The tagline made it worth watching alone.

A real life guide to sex, drugs, & bad behavior.

Not to spoil anything for you, this movie is loaded with diagrams, charts, scenarios, voice-over narration, and actual research experiments. It’s pretty well organized by the way they do the chapters. Literally, from nightlife preparation to the morning after (if you were to get that far), it was just an amusing and somewhat informational movie to watch.

The situations that they discuss are either right on or completely unrealistic. But either way, some interesting points are made; all while making you laugh, gasp, think, question and laugh some more.

It’s not an award-winner by any means, but certainly worth watching.

Here’s the IMBd link for all of the information.

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