Life Doesn't Care About Your Vision — The Professional Wingman®

Life Doesn't Care About Your Vision

And that’s a great thing.

This is going to seem like a contradictory post from my last post yesterday but it’s more of a compliment. To prove such I’ll start by using another Tyler Durden quote.

“I say never be complete, I say stop being perfect, I say let’s evolve, let the chips fall where they may.”

While you may have goals and specific things that you may want to accomplish when it comes to pickup and your overall personal development, it’s important to understand that this thing called “life” will happen and in an instant, change the game on you. The key to your success journey is to just go with it.

When I finished school and went back to Boston, I had absolutely NO clue what was going to happen. I had visions of living with a few of my best friends, getting a kick ass job in design and being able to hang out with my old high school friends again, since I didn’t get to hang with them for nearly 5 years.

None of those things happened.

I ended up living at home with my parents, couldn’t get a job in design, picked up a job as a valet and all of my friends pretty much got themselves “real jobs” and weren’t really around much to hang out – leaving me alone to an extent.

I could have sat there and cried about it, thinking that I was screwed and I couldn’t make anything of myself the way I wanted to. But I didn’t; I decided to accept the fact that these were the cards I was dealt and I still played with them. Things have turned out much better for me, over a year later and as I can only see it getting better.

When it comes to meeting and connecting with women, no matter what anyone says out there, you will never have the perfect “thing” that will work every time with every woman. Every interaction you have with someone will be different and all you need to do is have the social aptitude and flexibility to go with the flow and learn from each interaction. You can have all the visions in the world about how your interactions are going to go and life will not care about it. Life will throw things in there that just doesn’t make sense. But you know what? That’s great. It should put less pressure on you for trying to make things perfect and allow yourself to be more carefree and LIVE IN THE MOMENT.

Let things happen and keep learning. Continue to evolve and you’ll be well on your way to become the person you want to be…and the object of every woman’s desire.

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