Review of 33 Lounge and Restaurant — The Professional Wingman®

Review of 33 Lounge and Restaurant

Address: 33 Stanhope Street (right behind Jurys Hotel and Back Bay Station on the T), Boston, MA 02116


Best Nights: Wednesday and Saturday

Who Goes There: Young people. Lots of women. Ages 21-30.

Cost: $$$

Special: 3 for $3 Wednesday – Saturday 5-7PM, Friday – Saturday 8-11PM

BYFAD Location: No

When I was back in Boston and I asked people about nightlife, 33 Lounge was always said at some point in the conversation. It was after the 98th time that I decided that I needed to take a look for myself. But how am I going to just walk into this place when there’s always a ridiculous line, making it AT LEAST a 30-minute wait? Fortunately when I was thinking this at another bar, someone who worked at 33 sat next to me and we talked. The rest is obvious.

Walking to this place is sort of an adventure within itself. There are countless people waiting and crowding the velvet rope, blocking off the entrance. For anyone to just walk through the crowd and right into the place will make anyone look important. Needless to say, I was approached many times during the night for that reason alone.

There is an outside area of the lounge where the smokers can hang out or people who need fresh air or too cool off. Drinks aren’t allowed outside, in this area though, which is weird since it’s blocked off from the street.

Inside, keeping in mind that this place is a restaurant by day, the place looks really nice with lots of lights and dark modern furniture. The upstairs bar is the centerpiece of the room and it’s a large oval, only looking like it’s easy to get access to drinks, but with only 2 bartenders working, even on the busiest of nights, getting a drink will always be a hassle.

And speaking of drinks – man are they expensive. One time I ordered a Washington Apple shot and a Jack and Ginger and it was $25 bucks. I can get that combo at other places for half that price. And depending on the night will determine how strong the drinks are. So if you are a heavy drinker, you will burn a hole through your wallet.

There is a small dance floor that merges with a lounge area with comfy furniture outlining the room. In this room is also the DJ booth. Dancing and lounging with DJ taking up space is not a good mix. But the good-looking girls that dance with you keep your mind off of that.

Downstairs, which is open on Fridays and Saturdays, is really nice too with a smaller bar and more lounge space to dance and hang out. When I went there on Friday, there weren’t much people down there but I wouldn’t expect it to get two crowded. Judging by the looks of it, it is the perfect place to reserve for a VIP night and bottle service.

The music is great. They have solid DJ’s there every night and they are really good at mixing to everyone’s liking. There was one night that they were playing folk music and people were having a blast. Plus, I heard that DJ Naughty is one of the best DJ’s in Boston that plays every Saturday. I’ll find a Saturday to get over there and be the judge of that! But overall the music itself is solid.

Socially, this place is not the spot for meeting people. With the loud music and the atmosphere, it’s far from the place for friendly interaction. BUT having said that, this IS the place to bring a group of friends. They WILL have a blast. When you’re there with friends, it’s such a good place to hang out and be seen with your expensive drink!

If you can afford the spot, it should definitely go into your weekly itinerary. From what I was told, here is the breakdown of the nights:

Wednesday – Asian night
Thursday – Spin
Friday – Studio 33 (I would say Latin night)
Saturday – Filter (the popular night of the week)

I don’t have a solid rating system, but it will get better over time, but for now, I’ll give this a generously scaled rating of a B+ (88).

Great variety music
Sexy women
Definitely an “alpha-lifestyle” spot
Chill bouncers
Great “second location” spot (after pre-gaming or going to another location prior)

Not for meeting new people
Expensive drinks
Sometimes music is too loud

If you have any questions about the place, feel free to check out their site:

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