“Be My Fitness Wingman” Facebook Contest — The Professional Wingman®

“Be My Fitness Wingman” Facebook Contest

Here’s a fun contest that I’ve wanted to do for SO long. As you know, fitness is something that is very important to me. It’s also a great way to boost confidence. Having a healthy body means having a healthy mind. But, in a world filled with excuses, we always try to convince ourselves why we can’t workout or get a membership at a gym.

“The gym is too far from my house.”

“I can’t workout at home.”

“I’m too busy to workout or go to a gym.”

“A gym membership is too expensive.”

As someone who has been guilty of these excuses in the past, I understand where you’re coming from. What I have realized is that you make a choice. You either do it, or you don’t. Working out and exercising is either a priority or it isn’t. And it will show. You may not have as much energy throughout the day. As a guy, your testosterone level will decrease and so will libido. You may get a little plusher in places you don’t admire. You don’t feel as confident or sexy as you used to. These should be the excuses you make to GO to the gym or to exercise.

I’ll be brief with my motivational speech and just announce that every month, I’ll be giving away a one-month membership to Revolution Fitness. This contest will be for Boston locals only (sorry, but don’t worry, I’ll have another contest for everyone else later this week!).

So, what is it that you have to do? 

One thousand pushups. In one try.

No, actually all you have to do is be a Facebook Fan. That’s it. So if you’re not a Fan of the Wingman, go join now and you’ll automatically be entered to win. A winner will be chosen at random at the end of the month and if he or she is a local, he or she wins! It’s that simple. 

So go join the Fan Page and give me a shout out! 

If you don’t know about Revolution Fitness, here’s a brief description of why I love to workout there. 

Revolution Fitness is located in the South End of Boston. It IS your neighborhood gym. But not only is this gym filled with incredible trainers, instructors, and a friendly fitness staff, there's a ton training equipment that will make your workout unique every time. Programs vary such as CrossFit, RevFit’s unique Dynamic Fusion and their new Helix group class. Inventive training and one-of-a-kind classes are mixed with state-of-the-art workout machines. Members can find everything for a fun, effective workout in a friendly, energetic, and professional setting. This place is the real deal. 

And as a bonus, since I am all over Boston, I will hand out one FREE day pass to the gym every day. All you have to do is come up to and say, “Be my fitness wingman.” This day pass will give you full access to everything in the gym, including classes that they offer. 

Not bad, huh? Well, let’s get started!

Join the Wingman Fan Page!

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