The Wingman Labs: A Set of Commandments of the Wingman — The Professional Wingman®

The Wingman Labs: A Set of Commandments of the Wingman

When you are going out with your boys, you’re out to have a good time. Every so often, you will have a chance to get to know a group of ladies and one might catch your eye. It’s important that if there is a chance for success that you and your friends are always on the same page. A wingman has bigger responsibilities than one would think. You really could create an entire system. Like how I did.

But anyone can be a quality wingman if they just tried. So, here is my basic foolproof system of being a good wingman to ensure your buddy success at the end of the night.


If you can’t let one night go by without being on the hunt and instead help your friend, then you have NO shot at being a good wingman. You will have your day. I promise. Don’t make the night about you. It’s selfish and it won’t help your buddy. No need to be jealous of his success either. Help him out. If you notice that people are paying more attention to you and not him, do whatever it takes to defer that attention to your buddy.

If the girl your buddy is hitting on has friends, you must go in there and entertain them so your buddy can focus on the girl. Most guys know this as taking one for the team. This is also a good time to talk your buddy up with her friends to assure them that he’s a good guy.

Whatever is the best thing you could say about your friend, make sure you say it. You’re the only person who can really validate him so if you’re serious about how good of a guy he is, no one will question your authority.

Tell stories about your friend that talks about how cool, fun, smart, wild, and/or funny he is. You can totally make fun of him but in a way that makes him a good guy. Tell them how you make fun of him because you caught him making baby noises to his nephew.

Probably the most important quality of a wingman is their lack of shame. I have a bunch of friends that just don’t have any when it comes to helping another out. It’s a no fear kind of thing. If you know that your friend has a legitimate shot at success, don’t be afraid of the potential for humiliation if it’s going to seal the deal for your buddy.



The other night, I saw my friend talking to two women and I was trying to figure out if he wanted me to come help him out. He had no idea what I was trying to signal and so he left and walked over. Come to find out, he actually did want my help but then lost the women.

There needs to be something, either hand signals, eye contact or whatever, so that your buddy knows what your situation is.


No matter what the circumstance, you must bring the E & O! No one wants to be with a Davey Downer and women can smell pessimism like a terrible odor. It reeks.

Tomorrow, I will address the huge debate of whether or not it’s a better idea to have a wingwoman over a wingman.

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