The Inspiration That Started It All — The Professional Wingman®

The Inspiration That Started It All

This is where it all started. We all have our inspirations for doing things. We all have those moments in time when you just get that spark. I have two of those inspirations. The first one that I talked about a while ago was Gary Vaynerchuk. He was the one that sparked my decision to pursue Project Infinity as a business and to really hustle to get the results I want.

But to improve my life and my life with women (which was what I wanted to improve a few years ago), my inspiration is none other than David DeAngelo. I can tell you so much about him and what he has done but I really don't have enough time. I CAN give you his links and where to find his products though.

He teaches guys how to attract not only beautiful women into your life, but plenty of women into your life. His series, Double Your Dating was the big difference-maker in realizing what it took to become a more interesting person to women. I valued his book and videos more than the Game and the Mystery Method. The stuff that he teaches is really, REALLY amazing.

He recently came out with the Mantransformation Program which is sick and he's coming out with a new series, Become Mr. Right. I am pumped for this series because this takes improving your life to the next level and I comment by saying that, "this may be the program that makes the difference in your life."

This guy is the best, and one of my many goals in 2009 is to meet this guy and thank him for changing my life. If you can get any of his materials, I highly suggest you take your time and go through it many times over.

Here is a video giving a quick idea of what DD is like:

Here is a preview of this Become Mr. Right Program

You can see his Mantransformation blog, which gives more information about his new program here.

You can check out his main site that talks about his programs here.

You can also check out a small portal of many of his posts here. (Thanks to Seduction Chronicles)

I can talk on and on about his program and what he's taught me so if you want to talk about it, shoot me an email or leave a comment here. I truly want my program to have the same impact as David's. He's changed my life and I'm not ready to do the same for you!

Who has been your inspiration for this part of your life? Where did you learn and develop your skills? I'd love to know.

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