4 New Looks You Can Try This Season — The Professional Wingman®

4 New Looks You Can Try This Season

This is from my man, Jae from Kinowear and he is introducing different things you can try this season to stand out. I love these looks and I am going to try some of them out. The best part about it is if you can mix and match well, you can come up with some amazing outfits. My personal favorite is the "Laid Back Rebel."

I’ve decided that this will be the last style inspiration article for awhile. There are many other topics I think everyone will enjoy even more.

But no worries, in this month’s edition I’m going to give lots more details on how to put together some highly attractive outfits.

Let’s do this.

Modeling off Those Who Catch Our Attention

I use pictures on this blog because style is such a visual thing. Even though many aspects of style are expressed through non-visual channels as well, the way you dress is the strongest and primary source of the impression you’ll make in any interaction.

I’m very analytical, and when I see a guy with a uniquely attractive fashion sense, I try to learn from him — by breaking his image down to the details. Often times, I get many new styling ideas I can pass on to my clients during a consultation.

Whenever you see a guy who makes a positive impression on you, make an effort to pinpoint what exactly causes this. Is it the way he dresses? If so, what about his outfit stands out to you? Certain pieces? How he put it together?

Modeling off other stylish people is something you should do constantly to get ideas for your own style. When you see something that works for someone else, try it yourself! Then make adjustments to your own liking.

So here are 4 different outfits - each a different style - that you can model after:

1. “Metro Chic”

Grab yourself a tweed blazer this season instead of your typical dress blazer. Tweed is a great fabric for a relaxed style that is still classy.

So here’s what you need for this great casual outfit:

1. A gray tweed blazer

2. A gray long-sleeve shirt

3. White jeans

4. Pair of white Chuck Taylors

This is a totally balanced outfit. The blazer is a classy element. The long-sleeve shirt is meant to be understated as to make way for what’s next - the white pants. Wait a minute, white pants after Labor Day? Gasp*

Who made up that stupid rule anyway? To me there is just no logically sound reason why you shouldn’t wear white after Labor Day. Even in the winter, it just goes so well with the season. Fashion is changing it’s position on it anyway, where most people who do wear white after Labor Day are seen as bold and daring.

The white pants are what really make this outfit great because it stands out on it’s own. And the converse shoes, well, they’re a staple that go with almost everything - it does nothing but add style to any outfit.





Extra tips

If you want to add something more elegant to the outfit, try a turtle neck:

And if there’s snow outside, try a pair of boots like these:

Which you could tuck your jeans into and wear with the laces loose and untied. Yes, this is purposeful.

Not your flavor? How about something more smart?

2. “Sophisticated and Class”

So here’s what you need for this classy outfit:

1. Light blue dress shirt

2. Patterned sweater vest

3. Tweed blazer

4. Solid dark blue jeans

5. Skinny rep tie

6. Colored Scarf

7. Newsboy Cap

8. Slim dress shoes

If you want something more sophisticated - yet still turn heads - grab a collared shirt and a skinny tie. Then look for a sweater vest; but instead of looking for a boring one that will make you look like a math teacher, switch it out for an eye-catching plaid one.

Keep it dressy with a dark pair of jeans with a clean wash, and a pair of slim dress shoes.

For some noticeable finishing touches, find yourself a newsboy cap and a colored scarf to accentuate the outfit. Perhaps something to match the colors of your alma matar for that “smart” university look.

If you want to rough it up a bit and make it more relaxed, loosen the skinny tie, don’t wear a belt, and leave your shirt untucked. Done.


Extra Tip

If you don’t like the blazer, switch it for something like this fleece-lined corduroy jacket. A more casual version of the smart look.

If you like that one, awesome. If not, how about this?

“Laid Back Rebel”

This outfit is very simple but carries some rugged edge.

So here’s what you need for this great casual outfit:

1. Leather jacket

2. Bright colored shirt

3. Light wash jeans

4. Leather belt

5. Leather boots

Seasonal depression is the leading cause of people steering away from colors during the winter. Avoid getting labeled as a victim and show that you’re still full of life with some strong color.

Try a cobalt blue shirt with a very light pair of blue jeans for contrast. Throw on a black leather jacket with a euro collar, to turn the rebel in you up a notch, and grab a casual leather belt to match. Then, a pair of motorcycle boots will complete this call upon the spirit of James Dean.


Extra Tips

Add a knit scarf to this outfit on colder days:

Or switch the dress shirt for a white t-shirt and black hoodie like this (cool guy shades optional):

Or maybe this is more your style…

4. “Indie Military”

What you’ll need:

1. Military style jacket

2. Khaki dress shirt

3. Dark slim jeans

4. Black jack purcells

5. Beanie

6. Wallet chain

7. Aviator shades

If you’re a lover of women with indie style, then they’ll love it on you. If you’re looking for an updated look, try this one.



Instead of going for something bright and bold, go for something warm and subdued like a khaki shirt, and a chocolate brown jacket. Make it a military style jacket and it’ll give you an ex-soldier’s aura.

Add a touch of luxury with a solid pair of dark blue jeans (I really suggest slim jeans for this look but go with what is comfortable for you). Then add some head-turning flair with an accessory like a wallet chain. Get some aviator shades and beanie to battle the cold weather, and a pair of black Jack Purcells to complete the outfit.

Which one of these looks is your favorite? Share with us in the comments.

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