What an Interesting Way To Make A Difference — The Professional Wingman®

What an Interesting Way To Make A Difference

I was really fortunate to get a ticket to this special event. The event was already sold out and I missed out on not only the first batch but also the second batch of tickets. Out of nowhere, the released another 15 tickets. Once I heard this, I impatiently waited to finish work and then raced home to order one. When I did, there were about 7 left. I am so glad I went.

Almost one week ago, I was at the Harvard Club…as a valet. They were celebrating 100 years at the Harvard Club. Being me, I had an appreciation of the exclusivity of the venue. It was cool and the place looked awesome with paintings of historical figures such as JFK. To show up the next week, actually walking into the place to BE there was something special within itself. A couple of the people there who saw me last week recognized me and had that surprised look as if they were thinking, “what are you doing here? Are you looking for someone or are you lost?” Anyway, I digress.

The SM4SC event was awesome. I got to meet up with some great twitter friends, and meet some really, really cool people. There was great conversation going on everywhere and there was so much to learn here. I got to learn a lot about other people’s ideas and really appreciated the ideas that we all shared.

Another REALLY cool thing that happened to me was that I won something from the raffle! I tried to wait ‘til the end of this post but I couldn’t hold it much longer. I was fortunate enough to win a full pass to tomorrow’s New Marketing Summit at Gillette Stadium in Foxboro, Massachusetts. It is going to be awesome and I can’t wait. Once again, I have to thank Adam Cohen (@adamcohen) for giving up the prize (since he already had a pass to go) and Chris Brogan (@chrisbrogan) for donating the prize. I got to talk to him today and thanked him for giving me this opportunity. I hope I get to talk to him for a longer time tomorrow during the summit. If you don’t know who Chris Brogan is, you should find out.

But what was the point of all this? Well to have fun but for a great cause. All the proceeds are going to Jane Doe Inc., which is the Massachusetts Coalition Against Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence. This is actually one of the issues that has been hiding under the radar with all the “other” issues going on. I think it’s important that we don’t forget the issues that start in the home. I strongly suggest that you make a donation to Jane Doe.

But there are some really good speeches that I want you to check out.

This one is of Mike Davis (@globalcitizen), a power representative of Empressr, a rich media presentation tool (that I think is pretty cool). He talks how he got here with a paper clip.

The next one is from Gradon Tripp (@gradontripp). Quoted to be the brainchild of Social Media for Social Change, he explains how the power of social media can do great things. You can check out SM4SC here.

This one is from Toni, from Jane Doe, Inc. She talks about Jane Doe and how hard they fight to help victims of sexual and domestic abuse.

And my man, Oz Sultan (@ozsultan) just gives a few brief words on how we can help. You can check out his site here.

This is just the beginning as it looks to turn out to be a great thing we have here.

You can check out some of the photos here. There are tons more ALL over Flickr.