Almost every time I'm on a webinar, coaching call, or podcast, I get asked some the same questions. One of the most commonly asked questions is something that I believe is the most important in today's day and age:
“Where can I meet people offline or in-person?”
There are a ton of places you can meet women out in the real world, but instead of just listing all of the places, I can just show you a comprehensive list I contributed to, listing over 100 places you can meet them TODAY.
Before listing the places, it would probably be a good idea to know where women are going. So the team over at Gotham Club created an awesome infographic on all things including where women would ideally like to meet men and what's important to them when looking for a partner.
Check it out below:
Now that you know, check out the list of over 100 places to meet women.
PS – for the women who may also be reading this, I'd check out this list as well (hint, hint)